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Fatal Foot Fragrance – CreepyPasta Story

The New Kid gets Initiated

A new school year began in the small, eerily quaint town of Rosewood. The atmosphere was abuzz with fresh faces and whispers about the new kid. His name was Mark, a handsome, athletic teenager with dark, tousled hair, deep-set, blue eyes, and an easy smile. He was the perfect addition to Rosewood High’s football team, the Rosewood Raptors. There was something different about Mark, though. He always had a peculiar, overpowering smell, particularly from his feet, which was initially brushed off as a result of rigorous football practice.

At Rosewood High, a peculiar initiation tradition existed among the football team members. After every game, the team would prank a random member. The pranks varied in intensity, but the one that made everyone break out in laughter was the foot-smelling prank. The chosen person would be pinned down while the others took turns smelling their feet and ridiculing the victim.

The first game of the season ended in victory. Overjoyed and high on adrenaline, the Raptors decided to continue their tradition. Given Mark was the star player and the newbie, it only seemed fair to them that he be the subject of the foot-smelling humiliation prank.

Mark, unaware of the tradition, smiled bemusedly, allowing his teammates to pin him down and smell his feet, and then berate him for it. The overpowering smell made some wince, but the high of victory, and getting to tease the new kid, overshadowed their discomfort. By the end of the night, the entire team had taken their turn, laughing and jesting, unaware of the horror that was about to unfold.

Those Feet Smell Deadly

Within 24 hours, something eerie began to happen. One by one, members of the Raptors started falling ill. Their symptoms were strange and intense – cold sweats, horrifying hallucinations, and a pervasive smell of rotten eggs, reminiscent of Mark’s foot odor.

As the town doctor was called in, he was left baffled. There was no explanation for these sudden, simultaneous illnesses. The boys were quarantined in their homes, their conditions rapidly deteriorating.

Word got out about the Raptors’ illness, and the school was in shock. The cheeriness following the victory had turned into a grim silence. Mark, who was unaffected by the strange disease, was filled with a gnawing guilt. He couldn’t help but feel responsible, remembering the foot-smelling prank.

Then, the first death was reported. Jake, the team’s quarterback and Mark’s roommate, had succumbed to the mysterious illness. The whole town was shaken. What was even more chilling was the fact that exactly 24 hours had passed since the foot-smelling prank.

The Soul-ful Sacrifice

Following Jake’s death, more members of the Raptors started dying, one by one, all within the 24 hours of the dreaded prank. Desperate for answers, Mark decided to investigate. He found an old, dusty book in his attic about ancient curses and hexes. As he flipped through the yellowed pages, he found a tale about a curse – a curse of the stench of death. The curse stated that whoever smelt the cursed person’s feet would be bound to die within 24 hours, enveloped by a fatal odor.

Mark was horrified, realizing the nature of his ‘smelly feet.’ His guilt was unbearable, but there was no known cure for the curse. He knew he had to make the ultimate sacrifice to save his remaining friends and the town from further despair. He would have to isolate himself, ensure no one else smelt his feet again.

With a heavy heart, he penned a confession letter explaining the strange curse and his decision to leave Rosewood, begging the town for forgiveness. Leaving the letter at the school’s doorstep, he disappeared into the night, forever remembered as the beautiful, cursed boy who brought death to the Rosewood Raptors.

Years passed, but the tale of Mark and his deadly feet lived on. Rosewood High abolished the foot-smelling prank, ensuring it would never again bring about such terrible consequences. The legend served as a chilling reminder to all about the horrors of a seemingly harmless prank and the cursed boy who walked among them.

CreepyPasta Author – CreepsterDan


Creepster Dan

The twisted mind behind the dark labyrinth of horror, is a master of the macabre, purveyor of nightmares, and weaver of haunting tales. With an insatiable appetite for the eerie and a flair for the unsettling he creates spine-chilling stories that seep into the very fabric of your soul.

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