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The Pontefract Poltergeist House

Located: 30 East Drive, Pontefract, WF8 2AN. United Kingdom
Haunting Type: Poltergeist


Brief overview of the Pontefract Poltergeist House

The Pontefract Poltergeist House, also known as 30 East Drive, is a residential property located in the town of Pontefract, West Yorkshire, England. It gained notoriety for the reported paranormal activity and hauntings that occurred within its walls. The house has become an enduring symbol of the supernatural, captivating the interest of both believers in the supernatural and sceptics alike.

Importance and historical significance of the house

The Pontefract Poltergeist House holds a significant place in the annals of paranormal investigations and hauntings. The reported events that took place in the house during the late 1960s and early 1970s have been extensively documented and studied. The case has drawn the attention of renowned paranormal researchers and enthusiasts worldwide. Its enduring mystery and unexplained phenomena continue to intrigue and perplex those interested in the supernatural.

Background Information

The Pontefract Poltergeist House is situated on the Chequerfield Estate, a residential neighbourhood in Pontefract. The house itself is a modest semi-detached property, appearing unremarkable from the outside. Its unassuming appearance contrasts sharply with the extraordinary events that allegedly occurred within its confines.

The house was constructed in the early 1950s and has a relatively brief history compared to other haunted locations. It was built on the site of an older property known as “The Cottage.” The previous occupants of the house were the Pritchard family, who moved into the property in 1966. Their experiences would later become the focal point of the paranormal phenomenon associated with the house.

Previous occupants and notable events

The Pritchard family consisted of Joe and Jean Pritchard and their two children, Philip and Diane. In August 1966, shortly after moving into the house, the family began experiencing unexplained phenomena. The disturbances started with objects moving inexplicably, but soon escalated to violent poltergeist activity, including objects levitating, strange writings appearing on walls, and physical assaults on family members.

One of the most notable events was the alleged levitation of 12-year-old Diane Pritchard. Witnesses claimed to have seen her being lifted off the ground and carried several feet across the room. These extraordinary occurrences attracted widespread media attention and brought the Pontefract Poltergeist House into the public eye.

The events at the house were investigated by paranormal researchers and documented extensively, further fuelling the interest in the case. The legacy of the Pontefract Poltergeist House continues to captivate the imagination of those fascinated by the supernatural and remains one of the most intriguing and debated paranormal cases to date.

The Pontefract Poltergeist Phenomenon

From the outside, number 30 East Drive looks just like any other 1950s-built British council estate house on the street. However, a sinister side hides within the walls…

The Malevolent Entity: Fred, The Black Monk

30 East Drive is the domain of a somewhat malevolent entity who has come to be known as ‘Fred’ or ‘The Black Monk’. This entity is believed to be the most violent poltergeist in Europe, with a haunting that has persisted for over fifty years.

Over the years, numerous explanations have been put forth to identify the entity residing within the house. While the press referred to him as ‘Mr Nobody’, the family that experienced his presence named him ‘Fred’. As time went on, the entity became associated with the moniker ‘The Black Monk’, owing to his appearances as a spectral figure clad in long black robes.

Fred’s Reign of Paranormal Activity

The poltergeist phenomena attributed to Fred at 30 East Drive are not for the faint of heart. Witnesses and residents of the house have reported a range of terrifying occurrences, lending credibility to the notion that this entity is anything but benign.

  1. Violent Manifestations and Disturbances: Fred’s activities within the house have included a barrage of violent manifestations and disturbances. Objects have been hurled across rooms, furniture has been overturned, and possessions have been flung about with considerable force. Such events have left an indelible mark on the witnesses, instilling fear and awe in equal measure.
  2. Apparitions and the Black Monk: The sightings of Fred as an apparition have left an enduring impression on those who have encountered him. Dressed in long black robes, he has been described as a figure that emanates an eerie presence. These spectral encounters have contributed to the legend of the Black Monk and cemented Fred’s reputation as a malevolent force within the house.
  3. Psychological and Physical Attacks: The presence of Fred has not been limited to mere visual or auditory manifestations. Witnesses and residents have reported experiencing psychological and physical attacks. From sudden drops in temperature and unexplained scratches to feelings of being watched and unexplained feelings of dread, the impact of Fred’s malevolence has extended beyond the realm of the supernatural.

The cumulative effect of Fred’s reign of paranormal activity within 30 East Drive has perpetuated its reputation as a place of profound unease and has solidified the entity’s status as one of the most menacing poltergeists documented in Europe.

The story of Fred, also known as The Black Monk, continues to fascinate and terrify those drawn to the mysteries of the supernatural. The enigmatic nature of his presence and the enduring intensity of the reported phenomena make 30 East Drive a location that stands as a chilling testament to the potential horrors that lie within the world of the paranormal.

Investigations and Paranormal Research

The intensity and notoriety of the Pontefract Poltergeist case attracted the attention of renowned paranormal investigators and researchers. Experts such as Tom Cunliffe, a noted psychic investigator, and Colin Wilson, a prominent writer on paranormal phenomena, visited the house to conduct investigations and gather evidence.

Paranormal investigators employed various methods to study and document the occurrences at the house. These included audio and visual recordings, electromagnetic field measurements, and the use of mediums and psychics to establish communication with the entity.

The investigations yielded a range of intriguing findings and evidence. Audio recordings captured disembodied voices and unexplained sounds, while photographs displayed mysterious orbs and anomalies. Witnesses reported experiencing cold spots and unexplained sensations in certain areas of the house. While much of the evidence is subjective and open to interpretation, it provided additional layers to the mystery surrounding the Pontefract Poltergeist House.

As with any paranormal case, the Pontefract Poltergeist House has faced its fair share of scepticism and alternative explanations. Sceptics attribute the events to elaborate hoaxes, psychological factors, or natural phenomena. Some argue that the poltergeist activity may have been exaggerated or misinterpreted. These alternative perspectives continue to generate debates and discussions among sceptics and believers.

Cultural Impact and Legacy

The haunting at 30 East Drive, also known as the Pontefract Poltergeist House, has had a significant impact on the local community. The chilling events that took place within its walls have become an integral part of Pontefract’s history and have left an indelible mark on the town’s folklore. The residents of Pontefract have become synonymous with the haunting, and the house continues to be a subject of intrigue and curiosity among the locals.

The notorious reputation of 30 East Drive has inspired various forms of media. In particular, the house and its haunting served as the inspiration for the film “When the Lights Went Out.” Produced by Bill Bungay, the film loosely based on the experiences of the Pritchard family introduced a wider audience to the haunting. The film’s release further elevated the house’s notoriety and sparked interest in its paranormal history.

Today, 30 East Drive has transformed into a tourist attraction for those intrigued by the supernatural. The house is open to visitors, allowing them to explore the eerie atmosphere and learn about the haunting first hand. However, the owners of the house, including film producer Bill Bungay, do not recommend overnight stays. In fact, they actively discourage visitors from staying overnight due to the intensity of the reported phenomena. The website for 30 East Drive clearly states that it is not a traditional bed and breakfast, and visitors are not covered by insurance if they choose to visit.

The legacy of 30 East Drive as a cultural icon continues to grow, attracting paranormal enthusiasts and thrill-seekers alike. Its connection to the film industry and its transformation into a tourist destination demonstrate the enduring fascination with the house and its haunting. However, the warnings and precautions surrounding overnight stays serve as a reminder of the potentially sinister and intense nature of the paranormal activity associated with 30 East Drive.

Controversies and Debates

Sceptical perspectives and scepticism surrounding the haunting

The Pontefract Poltergeist case has faced scepticism and criticism from sceptics and debunkers. Sceptics argue that the events were either staged or misinterpreted natural occurrences. They propose alternative explanations, such as normal human activity or psychological factors, to account for the reported phenomena. Scepticism has fuelled debates and discussions surrounding the authenticity of the haunting.

Various alternative explanations have been put forth to explain the events at the Pontefract Poltergeist House. Some sceptics suggest that the phenomena were the result of the Pritchard family’s subconscious actions, known as the “poltergeist agent theory.” Others propose that the events were staged for attention or financial gain. Additionally, environmental factors, such as electromagnetic fields or infrasound, have been suggested as potential explanations for the reported experiences.

Criticisms of paranormal investigations and evidence

Critics of paranormal investigations point out potential flaws and biases in the methodology used to study the haunting. They argue that subjective experiences and interpretations may influence investigators’ findings. Additionally, the reliance on mediums or psychics for communication with the entity has been criticized for its lack of scientific rigor. Sceptics and critics highlight the need for more objective and controlled approaches to paranormal research.

Despite the controversies and debates, the Pontefract Poltergeist House continues to intrigue and mystify both believers and sceptics alike. Its enduring legacy as a captivating and controversial paranormal case ensures that the story of the house and its reported hauntings will be a subject of fascination for years to come.


The Pontefract Poltergeist House holds a significant place in the realm of paranormal phenomena. Its reported hauntings and poltergeist activities have captivated the public’s imagination for decades. The intensity and scale of the events, coupled with the involvement of reputable investigators, have elevated the case to legendary status within the paranormal community.

Despite numerous investigations and debates, the mysteries surrounding the Pontefract Poltergeist House remain unresolved. Sceptics continue to question the authenticity of the haunting, while believers find the reported phenomena compelling evidence of the supernatural. The enduring fascination with the house speaks to the human fascination with the unknown and the desire to understand the unexplained.

The Pontefract Poltergeist House invites further exploration and invites individuals to draw their own conclusions about the events that occurred within its walls. Whether one believes in the existence of supernatural entities or prefers to seek rational explanations, the case serves as a reminder of the power of the human imagination and the enduring allure of the unexplained.

In the end, the Pontefract Poltergeist House stands as a testament to the enduring mystery and fascination surrounding paranormal phenomena. It continues to capture the attention of those who seek to understand the boundaries between the natural and the supernatural, leaving us to ponder the mysteries that lie within the realm of the unknown.

References and Links:

Official Website – 30 East Drive

Experiance Wakefield – 30 East Drive

TripAdvisor Page for 30 East Drive

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