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Viral Veins: Dracula’s Reign in the Digital Age

In the abyss of the night, where shadows creep, Awakes an ancient evil from centuries deep. Dracula, now in a digital sprawl, In the realm of social media, he casts his thrall.

Once he hunted in the cloak of night, Now he surfs the web, searching for a byte. His fangs replaced with tweets and likes, In this new age, even the undead strikes.

In the echo chamber of the digital dead, He preys on the living, spreading dread. No garlic can ward him off, no silver nor light, In the eerie glow of the screen, he takes flight.

His new crypt, a profile, his followers grow, His haunting hashtags, a terrifying show. A selfie in the mirror, he never reflects, Yet his influence online, everyone detects.

His posts drip with charm, his words ensnare, Through the screen, his hypnotic stare. Each like, a life, each share, a soul, Feeding his hunger, his monstrous goal.

From Transylvania to the land of the cloud, Dracula’s reign, once again loud. His terror viral, his legend reborn, In the age of social media, a new horror is sworn.

In chatrooms he whispers, in DMs he slides, The virtual vampire, in plain sight he hides. Under the moon’s pale emoji, his power ascends, In the age of social media, the horror never ends.


Creepster Dan

The twisted mind behind the dark labyrinth of horror, is a master of the macabre, purveyor of nightmares, and weaver of haunting tales. With an insatiable appetite for the eerie and a flair for the unsettling he creates spine-chilling stories that seep into the very fabric of your soul.

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